Public Toilet Locations
Public Toilets – click on the link below for the National Public Toilet Map
Livvi’s Place in Albert Park Cootamundra – Changing Places Toilet Facility:
Find a Changing Places toilet | Changing Places
A Changing Places toilet facility allows individuals with high support needs to take part in all elements of community life, without having to limit their time out due to concerns about being able to access a suitable toilet. Changing Places provide suitable facilities for people who are not accommodated by standard accessible toilets.
Coles Express
Location: Cnr Hume Highway and Sheahan Drive
Carberry Park
Location: Otway Street.
Open 24 hours
Yarri Park
Location: Landon Street.
Open 24 hours
Coles Express South Gundagai
Cnr Mount Street and Middle Street
To see these toilet locations on one map, click here
Public Toilet Locations – Cootamundra
Cootamundra has many toilets available to the general public.
- Airport toilet is located at the side of the terminal building at the airport.
- Albert Park Hovell Street is located between Bourke Street and Adams Street on Hovell Street side of the park.
- Albert Park Thompson Street is located between Burke Street and Adams Street on Thompson Street side of the park.
- Apex Park is located on the corner of Sutton Street and Hurley Street.
- Bradman Oval toilet is located on the corner of Cutler Avenue and Northcott Avenue
- Country Club toilets are located on Hurley Street between Poole Street and Hemet C
- Fisher Park toilets are located on Bourke Street between Murray Street and Poole
Street (opposite the pool)
- Jubilee Park toilets are located on Wallendoon Street between Murray Street and Olney Street
- Kingston Park toilets are located on Gundagai Road between Victoria Parade and Warren Street
- Mitchell Park toilets are Located on Francis Street between Thompson Street and Centenary Avenue
- Nicholson Park toilets are located in Nicholson Park behind the town tennis courts.
- Wallendoon Street toilets are located in Wallendoon Street between Cooper St and Parker Street
The following link with give you a map of the location of all the public toilets in Cootamundra