Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council provides a fortnightly collection service of recyclable items
Recycling – (yellow lid bin – Cootamundra) (dark green lid bin – Gundagai)
Rake Up & Recycle
During Autumn falling leaves cause excess leaf litter. Council’s Street Sweepers clean the streets of general debris to keep rubbish out of stormwater drains.
Rake up & Recycle your autumn leaves into your Green Waste Bin. Rake ‘em, Mulch ‘em, Compost ‘em or Green bin ‘em. However you get rid of your Autumn leaves, make sure you keep them out of the gutter and stormwater drains.

Community Recycling Centres
Community Recycling Centres are drop-off centres for common household problem wastes that can’t be collected via council kerb side waste and recycling collection services.
Products accepted as part of this service are free of charge.

Recycling Oil
Information on recycling cooking oil and motor oil.
- How to recycle used Motor Oil (This is link to PlanetArk website)
- Household cooking oil can be stored in a sealable jar or wiped up with absorbent paper, to then be placed in your general waste bin.

Recycling Old Mobile Phones
MobileMuster is the official recycling program of the mobile phone industry in Australia.

What can be recycled
Over 90% of the materials in mobile phones can be recovered and used as raw materials for new products.
- Batteries include nickel to make stainless steel and cobalt and cadmium to make new batteries.
- Circuit boards include small amounts of gold and silver that is used in jewellery and other applications.
- Handset housings and casings include plastics that are shredded and used to make fence posts and pallets.
- Accessories include plastics and metals that are shredded, sorted and then used to make new plastic or metal products.
Collection points – Council Offices and Libraries
Worm Farms, Mulching & Compost
A fun way to reduce your waste is to feed your food scraps to a worm farm or combine your food and garden waste together and place them in a compost bin. (Links to PlanetArk website)