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Council has three designated off-leash areas in Cootamundra and two in Gundagai.

Off Leash Map – Cootamundra

These are the only areas where dogs are permitted to be off-leash. Clink on the link for the – Off Leash brochure.

Off-leash dog parks have many benefits for dogs and their owners. They provide the opportunity for dogs to exercise, socialise with other dogs, enjoy the fresh air, practice training techniques, play games and generally race around and burn off energy.

These activities are important for physical health, essential mental stimulation and prevent the development of problem behaviours such as destructiveness or excessive barking.

For us, it’s fun to meet other owners, swap tips and even make new friends.

Dogs are prohibited in the following places, whether they are leashed or not:

  • Within 10 metres of playgrounds and play equipment
  • Within 10 metres of food outlets
  • Within school grounds
  • Within child care centres

Off-Leash Area Rules

  • Your dog/s must be kept under control and supervised at all times, in sight of their owner/handler.
  • Dog/s must be with a competent person over 16 years of age
  • Your dog/s must still be under effective voice control.
  • Your dog/s should not harass people or other animals.
  • If your dog shows signs of aggression or antisocial behaviour the dog’s handler must leash and remove their dog immediately.
  • Dog faeces must be collected and disposed of in the bins provided.
  • Your dog/s on a leash when entering or exiting the designated off leash areas.
  • Dogs that are in season (on heat) are not permitted in a Leash Free areas.
  • You dog/s vaccinations must be current
  • You must comply with the responsibilities set out in the NSW Companion Animals Act

If your dog defecates in a public place or on someone else’s property, you must remove the faeces immediately and dispose of them properly – If you fail to pick up after your dog, you or the person in charge of the dog at the time may be liable for a maximum penalty of $880.