Contact: Gil Kelly – Mayor, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Phone: 0407 330 445
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Mayor Gil Kelly.
Elected to the position of Mayor in July 2024, as a result of the resignation of Cr Charlie Sheahan, Cr Gil Kelly is serving his third term as a councillor with CGRC and first term at Deputy Mayor. Cr Kelly was born in Cootamundra, a father of four and married to Annette. Cr Kelly is a campaigner for community service and volunteering, he is the deputy captain for the local Rural Fire Service, Vice President of the Cootamundra Ex-Services Club as well as serving on several Council sub-committees.
Cr Kelly is loud and proud about his community and has pledged his advocacy for all residents within the LGA.
Employed as an Area Manager with a market leading international supply Company. Cr Kelly values honesty, commitment, transparency, and relationships.
As part of the original Councillors team after the merger of the two former Shire Councils, Cr Kelly supported the changes that were needed to deliver a better financial position for council.
“Tough decisions had to made, and many were not very popular, however we needed harmonise rates, fees and charges and look at the long-term viability of our Council,” Cr Kelly said.
Cr Kelly hopes to continue to promote the region as a prosperous and liveable environment, where businesses flourish, residents are getting the services needed and growth is adding value.
Contact: Penny Nicholson – Deputy Mayor, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Phone: 0403 503 003
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Deputy Mayor Penny Nicholson.
Elected to the position of Deputy Mayor in July 2024, as a result of the resignation of Councillor Sheahan and election of Councillor Kelly to mayoral position, Cr Penny Nicholson is serving her second term as a Councillor for CGRC. Born in Gundagai, Cr Nicholson moved away for work, returned to home to marry her husband, Mark, and raise their two children. Cr Nicholson and her husband owned a small business for 18 years in Gundagai, recently selling and now enjoying fulfilling employment.
Cr Nicholson was re-elected to CGRC in the December 2021 election and looks forward to the future term as a forward thinking and progressive Council focusing on expansion opportunities to drive business, tourism and facilities in our towns and villages, whilst always being respectful to our history.
Being approachable and honest allows Cr Nicholson to be an advocate for the community. Cr Nicholson said she is very honoured and feels privileged to represent our communities with honour and integrity as a Councillor for CGRC.
Contact: Abb McAlister – Councillor, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Phone: 0428 441 300
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Councillor Abb McAlister.
A seasoned local government representative, Cr Abb McAlister has had many years serving his local community, as both councillor and mayor. Residing in Gundagai Cr McAlister is admired and well respected by his peers and community alike.
This is Cr McAlister’s third term with CGRC, his first term as a very popular mayor. Cr McAlister has a strong voice and is passionate about his community. A retired stock and station agent and local government advocate, Cr McAlister has a wide network and can communicate at all levels.
Cr McAlister is proud of his community and has overseen the difficult decisions undertaken during his first term in the merged Council.
Cr McAlister brings to the table experience, passion, and a can-do attitude and represents the community to which he serves with enthusiasm and zest.
Contact: Les Boyd – Councillor, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Phone: 0419 861 405
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Councillor Les Boyd.
Cr Les Boyd has commenced his first term as an elected councillor for CGRC, a citizen of Cootamundra for over 50 years, Cr Boyd will bring to role his experience as a team player.
Cr Boyd has a keen interest in football and other sports across the region, and as a company representative for a major brewery understands the strength in building relationships, the needs of businesses, and community expectations.
Cr Boyd felt there was a need for a change in representation and a stronger voice for Cootamundra residents. He hopes his input and experience will help make decisions to address financial stability for Council, address the shortage of housing within the area, and assist all communities within the region to grow and prosper.
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Councillor Logan Collins.
Cr Collins is the state’s youngest councillor in history and serving his first term.
Born in Camden, Cr Collins and his family traded the busy city life for the country lifestyle and moved to the Cootamundra area in 2006 where his grandparents reside and his father grew up. Cr Collins completed his education locally and is employed at a local law firm where he wishes to enhance his education and serve the community. In addition to his full time employment, he dedicates a considerable amount of time to several community groups, including the Cootamundra Local Health Advisory Committee as chairperson, the local high school P&C, and three Council sub-committees. He is the council delegate to the Local Traffic Advisory Committee, Access & Inclusion Advisory Committee and the Cootamundra Youth Council. Cr Collins also founded the Cootamundra Youth Council in 2020 and served as its first Youth Mayor up until he was elected to Council.
His passion for the regions sees Cr Collins encouraging development and employment in country NSW and wants to see the same level of respect as city council gets for our regional councils.
“Country NSW is the best NSW to live in. The people are great, the landscape is breathtaking and the lifestyle is dreamlike. It isn’t always easy and we don’t have everything accessible like our metropolitan counterparts do, but we make it work and as a community we strive to see our towns prosper,”
Cr Collins brings a youthful perspective to local government that is often described as a breath of fresh air. Cr Collins is passionate about rural health, employment, housing and youth. He acknowledges that decisions council has to make aren’t always easy and can draw conflict, but promotes thought and discussion and is dedicated to serving his community and doing it just.
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Councillor Trevor Glover.
This will be Cr Glover’s first term as a Councillor. Originally from western Sydney, Cr Glover moved to the area in 1986.
For over thirty years, Cr Glover was either a Principal or Assistant Principal in schools around the area. His teaching career and leading teams brings a wealth of knowledge to Council.
Married to Christine, the couple have four children and eight grandchildren. Residing in Coolac, Cr Glover has a small self-replacing merino business, and since retirement from the education sector Cr Glover has been wool classing and developing his merino flock.
Cr Glover believes his years of prioritising, managing dwindling budgets, and striving for the best outcomes hold him in good stead for the challenges of being a Councillor on the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council.
Contact: David Graham – Councillor, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Phone: 0427 441 988
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Councillor David Graham.
Cr David Graham is serving his second term as a Councillor with CGRC. A grazier, an accountant and passionate about his community Cr Graham understands the “bush” and the people that come together to make communities thrive in rural and regional areas.
Cr Graham is an active member of the Adjungbilly community alongside his enthusiasm for Gundagai and surrounds, Cr Graham brings experience and a working knowledge of fiscal policies.
“The first term of the newly formed Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council was challenging, and hard decisions had to made to ensure the long-term financial status of the Council, we took those decisions forward long before other merged Councils, and many improvements have been made,” Cr Graham said.
Serving on Council for over 20 years, Cr Graham has the knowledge and skill to work within a team and appreciate what is needed to ensure the communities across the region are encouraged to grow.
Contact: Leigh Bowden – Councillor, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Phone: 0405 381 038
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Councillor Leigh Bowden.
Cr Leigh Bowden moved to Cootamundra with her husband, Richard White, in March 2012. They were followed in August 2017, by Cr Bowden’s youngest son, Ossie Campbell, his wife Diana and their two small daughters. Cr Bowden has four children and six grandchildren, who frequently visit Cootamundra.
Cr Bowden holds a BA Dip Ed and postgraduate qualifications in Women’s Studies and Indigenous Studies. She has worked as an educator in the school, TAFE, university, and community sectors and is an experienced group facilitator. Cr Bowden has held the positions of CEO and Community Relations Manager at two separate National NGOs and has also run her own successful hospitality business. She is currently the inaugural Chair of The Coota District Co-op.
First elected to the newly formed Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council in September 2017, Cr Bowden readily embraced life as an Elected Representative. Now, re-elected, Cr Bowden’s priorities for this term are community engagement, economic development, tourism and ensuring a sustainable future for our whole LGA.
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Councillor Charlie Sheahan.
Cr Sheahan is serving his third term as a councillor. Holding the position of Mayor for two terms Councillor Sheahan has shown committment and hard work will bring results. Councillor Sheahan resigned from the position of mayor for CGRC in July 2024. Appreciation for his time as mayor was extended by all fellow councillors and members of the public.
With an agricultural background and living locally Cr Sheahan understands needs of residents and landowners.
“We are fortunate to live in such a diverse, productive and strategically placed area, as a Council we are charged with serving our community, to foster growth, economic sustainability and stimulate business development. Whilst ensuring our residents whether they are young or more mature are being provided with the services needed and a liveable community,” Cr Sheahan said.
Cr Sheahan is no stranger to community service, he is an active member of the Cootamundra Lions Club, a member of Rural Fire Service Coolac Brigade, serves on the Board of Adina Care, and previously served on the Jugiong Park Trust, Jugiong P&C as Secretary and President and the Jugiong Parish Pastoral Council.
Cr Sheahan sits on several Council sub-committees, including the Finance Committee, Muttama Creek Regeneration Group, RECOC, and Aerodrome User Group Committee, along with others, Cr Sheahan’s role as former Mayor saw him representing Council at state and federal government levels.
Cr Sheahan is dedicated to his public service, and embraced the role of mayor, accepted the responsibilities and is looking forward to the challenges and rewards that come with the role. He is willing to embrace change, strive for continuous improvement and ensure that CGRC is financially sustainable.
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council, Councillors left to right:
Back – Cr David Graham, Cr Abb McAlister, Cr Logan Collins, Cr Gil Kelly (Mayor)
Front – Cr Trevor Glover, Cr Penny Nicholson (Deputy Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr Charlie Sheahan, Cr Les Boyd
Photos and story courtesy of Gundagai Independent
Update: At an extraordinary meeting of Council held on Tuesday 16 July 2024, Cr Gil Kelly was elected as Mayor, with Cr Penny Nicholson elected as Deputy Mayor.
Update: At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 24 October 2023 Cr Charlie Sheahan was re-elected Mayor and Cr Gil Kelly elected Deputy Mayor.
Contact your Councillors
Correspondence to Councillors can be sent to the Councillors directly or:
by email:
by post:
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
PO Box 420, Cootamundra NSW 2590
All Councillor engagements are listed at Item 6 in the monthly Ordinary Meeting Agendas.