Community Strategic Plan 2022-2023 is under development….. watch this space!
Community Engagement Strategy
All councils are required to prepare a Community Engagement Strategy (CES) to support development of all their plans, policies, programs and key activities. This includes those relating to IP&R, as well as strategic plans and programs required under other legislation.
Engagement activities should be incorporated into one over-arching strategy that is exhibited and endorsed by council.
While community engagement does not replace the decision-making powers of elected Councillors or the General Manager, it does enhance the capacity of councils to make well-informed, sustainable decisions that clearly demonstrate community buy-in and support.
CGRC has developed an overarching strategy, and a individual strategy that focuses on the development of the Community Strategic Plan.
Both of these strategies can be found at the below links.
Community Engagement Strategy for CSP
Community Engagement and Communication Strategy