Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC), hosted seniors from across the region at the annual Meet and Greet morning tea events held in Gundagai on Wednesday and Cootamundra on Thursday.
Seniors were welcomed at the Gundagai Council Chambers by CGRC Deputy General Manager Mr Matt Stubbs and CGRC Mayor Charlie Sheahan. Councillors Abb McAlister and Penny Nicholson were also in attendance.
In Cootamundra the Town Hall Foyer was used as the venue, with CGRC Interim General Manager Mr Steve McGrath welcoming Cootamundra seniors. Mayor Sheahan and CGRC Deputy Mayor Leigh Bowden came along to celebrate with the attendees.
At both events, senior citizens were invited to ask questions and make comments to which Councillors, CGRC Managers and staff would answer.
In both venues, delicious morning teas, with cakes, slices and sandwiches were enjoyed.
CGRC mayor Cr Charlie Sheahan said he was delighted with the turn out this year.
“We had record numbers attend the Meet and Greet sessions, it was heartening to see so many turn out, and the questions and comments they brought to the table were interesting and were of issues that not just affect them as seniors but issues that affect their communities.”
“We were able to give them answers and explain issues in deeper detail. It gave them all a deeper understanding of how processes must be followed to achieve the right outcomes,” Cr Sheahan said.
Seniors bought up several issues, from parking and traffic issues in Gundagai, to overgrown blocks of land. Flooding, walkway bridges and Muttama Creek in Cootamundra. These issues were ably explained by council staff and Councillors.
Information packs, including road safety information, library activities, tourism brochures and mosquito repellent were handed out for seniors to take home.
The feedback from seniors who attended the Meet and Greet sessions was very positive, with one resident commenting that it was great to discuss issues affecting their communities in person and get some clarity on how the wheels of local government work.
Pictures and caption:
- CGRC Deputy General Manager Matt Stubbs and CGRC mayor Cr Charlie Sheahan welcome seniors to the Seniors Week Meet and Greet morning tea held in Gundagai on Wednesday.
2. A large group of seniors gathered in the Cootamundra Town Hall foyer, to enjoy morning tea and meet and greet with Councillors and staff on Thursday.