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An Extraordinary meeting of Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) held on Tuesday 15 October 2024, has seen Councillor Abb McAlister elected as Mayor. The vote six – three in favour of Cr McAlister over Cr Gil Kelly will see the new Council led by the experienced Councillor and former mayor. Cr Kelly who held the position for seven weeks prior to the Council elections was quick on his feet to congratulate Cr McAlister on his election.

Councillor McAlister said he was honoured and humbled to be elected and commended Cr Kelly on his time as mayor preceding the elections.

“I’d like to thank Councillors for their support, I believe I have the experience to lead this Council into the future and through challenges we will face, particularly with the demerger situation, and fiscal challenges our Council has in front of us,” Cr McAlister said.

Cr McAlister called for a respectful and united council where decisions are made for the good of the entire council area.

Rosalind Wight a former Cootamundra Shire councillor was elected to the position of deputy mayor.

Local committees requiring Council representatives were allocated at the meeting and Council resolved that Ordinary meeting dates for 2024 – 2025 take place at 6:00pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month from January to November. The Council workshops will take place at 4:00pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from February to November. The December Ordinary Council meeting and workshop will take place on the second Tuesday of the month. The January Council workshop will take place on the fourth Tuesday of the Month. The current arrangement of alternating meetings between Cootamundra and Gundagai.

The first Ordinary meeting for the new councillors will be held on Tuesday 22 October 2024 in the Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cooper Street Cootamundra at 6pm.

Photo and caption:

The new CGRC Council was sworn in at an Extraordinary Meeting of Council held in Cootamundra on Tuesday evening. Pictured left to right: Councillor Les Cooper, Danyal Syed, Ethan Ryan, Gil Kelly, Abb McAlister (Mayor), David Graham, Logan Collins. Deputy Mayor Rosalind Wight and Councillor Penny Nicholson at front.