The Coota Connections Expo held in the Cootamundra Town Hall on Tuesday attracted a large number of exhibitors and visitors. The Expo, hosted by Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council was arranged to improve communication, cooperation, and collaboration between community services in Cootamundra and surrounds.
38 community organisations set up colourful and informative displays showcasing the products and services offered by their respective groups. Visitors could sample a delicious piece of the famous Lions Club Christmas Cakes whilst learning about the community service Lions Clubs offer, to viewing beautiful handmade craft from the Cootamundra Arts and Craft Centre.
Organisations providing information on health, mental health, counselling and government services, aged and disability care were all well represented with an abundance of material available for patrons to take home.
Masses of giveaways where on hand for collection including bags, pens, water bottles and coffee mugs.
Representatives from the Cootamundra Town Band, Cootamundra History Society, Cootamundra & District Garden Club, Heritage Centre, Muttama Creek Regeneration Group, Rotary Cootamundra, Riding For Disabled, Cootamundra Day View Club, Cootamundra Combined Churches, Cootamundra RSL Bowling Club, Cootamundra Ladies Probus attended and promoted their organisations.
CGRC services were well represented with displays on road safety, weed management, communications, tourism, library services, companion animals, and an interactive display on recycling and waste. Visitors were challenged to put various items of regularly used household items into the respective yellow, green, red bin and items that can be delivered to the Community Recycling Centre. All participants found this display and challenge informative and helpful with knowledge on where to dispose of common household garbage.
The Cootamundra Red Cross and Foodbank were also well represented and provided a tasty and very welcome morning tea service throughout the day.
Visitors could also avail themselves at the vaccination station for a flu or COVID shot, sponsored by PHN Murrumbidgee, and administered by Phil Davies Amcal Pharmacy Cootamundra.
A very successful day and Council extends appreciation to all participants and visitors.
Photo and caption:
The Coota Connections Expo hailed as a success with good support from all sectors.