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At an Extraordinary meeting of Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) on Tuesday 31st May 2022, Council resolved to place the draft Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council 2022-2025 Delivery Program and Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council 2022-2023 Operational Plan, on public exhibition for twenty-eight (28) days. These documents will be available for public viewing on the CGRC website at or at Council’s administration offices in Cootamundra and Gundagai.

The Delivery Program (DP) is a statement of commitment to the community from each newly elected council and translates the community’s strategic goals into clear actions. It is the primary reference point for all activities undertaken by a council during its term of office. It allows councils to determine what is achievable over the ensuing 4 years, what the priorities are, and how programs will be scheduled. It should be noted that the draft Delivery Program is only 3 years, due to the delayed local government elections held in December 2021.

The Operational Plan (OP) is a council’s action plan for achieving the community priorities detailed in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and Delivery Program (DP). An OP is prepared each year and presented to a council for adoption. Each OP identifies the projects, programs and activities that a council will conduct to achieve the commitments of the DP.

The Draft Budget Operating income and Expenditure May 2022, Draft Capital Expenditure May 2022 and Draft Budget Long Term Financial Plan May 2022 were also put before Council. The budget variations listed in the report were adopted.

Council is now inviting submissions from ratepayers and residents on the 2022-2025 Delivery Program and 2022-2023 Operational Plan. To make your submission, you are required to do so in writing by 4pm Tuesday 28 June 2022. Submissions may be: Delivered to the administration centres at Cootamundra or Gundagai, or posted to The General Manager, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council, PO Box 420 Cootamundra NSW 2590. Or emailed to

Picture and caption: Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan are now on public exhibition