The NSW Companion Card program, assists people with significant and permanent disability who need a high level of care to participate in community events and activities.
The program removes one of the barriers to their participation – the expense of purchasing an additional ticket for their carer/companion.
Companion Card affiliated businesses and venues allow a person’s carer free entry into participating venues and events.
Affiliation with the program is free. We provide promotional materials and add affiliates to our searchable online directory.
More than 1,000 businesses involved throughout NSW
There are currently more than 1,000 businesses across NSW that are benefitting from access to an extensive and often untapped market of people with disability.
The program also provides these businesses with the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to social inclusion, present a positive image within their community, and meet some obligations under anti-discrimination laws, such as Section 12 of the Disability Inclusion Act which includes ensuring that people with disability will have equal access to buildings, events and facilities.
Also see this video that explains the Companion Card program to prospective businesses.
For more information please check out the links below.
Fact Sheet – Affiliates (Oct 2019)