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Dementia Action Week 2021 will run from 20-26 September with this year’s theme ‘A little support makes a big difference’. Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) is supporting the week, assisting with getting the message out and raising awareness.

*Dementia impacts close to half a million Australians and almost 1.6 million Australians are involved in their care. Dementia is the second leading cause of death of Australians and the leading cause of death of women. The number of people living with dementia is set to double in the next 25 years. With so many people impacted now and into the future, it is vital we clear up some of the prevailing misconceptions about dementia.

*People living with dementia can live active and fulfilling lives many years after diagnosis. Despite this, they often experience discrimination. In a recent Dementia Australia survey, more than 70 per cent of people believed discrimination towards people with dementia is common or very common.

The national awareness raising campaign will continue to lead the discussion about discrimination, which has a big impact on people living with dementia, their families and carers and has been exacerbated during COVID-19.

CGRC mayor Cr Abb McAlister said Dementia Week assists Australians to increase their understanding and learn how they can make a difference to the lives of people around them who are impacted by dementia.

“This is a great concept and demonstrates that many people living with dementia can continue to live well for many years after their diagnosis. This year the focus will also be on supporting and celebrating carers of people living with dementia”, Cr McAlister said.

“I’d like our community to take just a little time, to understand the illness and support people who are impacted, there are some great resources on the Dementia Australia website,” Cr McAlister added.

During Dementia Action Week 2021, Dementia Australia will share information and tips to show the meaningful ways a little support makes a big difference to the everyday experience of people living with dementia and their carers.

Please visit to find out more.

*Source Dementia Australia