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 16 October 2019


 Cootamundra –Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC), draft rural land strategy is now on public exhibition. Residents are invited to comment on the strategy by Friday 1 November 2019.

 The merger two former Shires as the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) has necessitated the need for new planning instruments and policies; in particular a Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) which cover the entire regional council area.

 A strategy to deal specifically with the rural lands of CGRC was proposed, aiming to analyse agricultural trends and opportunities for the area. The Rural Lands Strategy will help to update mapping for the new LEP while also providing rationale and reasoning for zoning and minimum lot sizes in rural areas. 

The CGRC area is a diverse and varied landscape which provides a range of opportunities for agricultural land uses and other broad acre industries. From the wheat fields of Wallendbeen, to the grassy slopes of Adjungbilly to the Lucene flats of Nangus, there is almost nothing which cannot be grown in the Local Government Area.

The changing requirements of consumers and development opportunities from those seeking a relaxed country lifestyle, the need for waste recycling and energy producers means that there is significant land use conflicts occurring on rural lands. This strategy creates a framework for Council’s new Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan to dictate what development is permissible and under what circumstances.

 “The current absence of strong documents like these, leaves our Council open to undesirable development outcomes which compromise the health, wellbeing and economic prosperity of future generations,” CGRC mayor Cr Abb McAlister said.

Cr McAlister added, “The strategy has been the result of robust community consultation and background research and creates an agricultural vision for our community connecting the development and use of rural lands to the prosperity of our towns and villages.”

It is Council’s intention that the Rural Lands Strategy serve not only as a land use planning document, but as a plan for economic success and growth through the shared identity of agriculture. This leverages off what CGRC does best (agriculture), connections to logistic hubs and routes as well as capitalising on changing recreation and tourism trends

The Draft Rural Land Strategy is available from Councils website; or by visiting either Council Office. Community comment on the Draft Rural Land Strategy is invited and is required to be made in writing and received by 5:00pm, Friday 1 November, 2019.  Submissions may be: Delivered to either Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council offices; Posted to the General Manager, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council, PO Box 420 Cootamundra NSW 2590 or Emailed to Further information can be obtaining by contacting Council’s Development, Building and Compliance team on 1300 459 689.